Tenancy Issues
Tenancy/rental issues Before deciding to adopt a cat you should think about not just today but the longer term : When initially adopting, it is essential to ensure that permission has been obtained for your current accommodation. You should also think about any...
Pregnancy & Children
Pregnancy, litter trays and hygiene One of the most common reasons people give for wanting to give up a pet cat or for deciding not to adopt in the first place is pregnancy/ pregnancy plans and the fear of being infected with toxoplasmosis from contaminated faeces....Other pets in the house
Some pets should be kept away from cats This includes animals which cats may treat as natural prey for example rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats, gerbils and chinchillas, as well as reptiles. Also make sure that if you have a fish tank if is “cat proof” . Introducing...
Choosing the right pet for you
Keep an open mind C.L.A.W.S will try to help all animals that come under its care to find a suitable home. We are almost always full to capacity, with cats and kittens. This will include ” harder to home ” animals , for example those that...