There are many ways to help us
It costs us more to run C..L.A.W.S than the income we get, which comes mainly from donations.
We also receive some assistance from Animal Welfare when we accept cats and kittens they have brought to us.
Last year we homes about 700 animals, of which about 400 had come to us via Animal Welfare, the rest were brought us by colony feeders or the general public.
It costs about € 25 to raise a kitten from birth to adoption. if nothing at all goes wrong. Sometimes our rescues need extensive help so costs can be many times that for one individual cat. Our goal is to provide assistance to all animals that need us.
We also run individual fundraising campaigns for kittens when they need special help.

To this number +5454545454 or



You can send us money via SMS using the following codes.

Goods In Kind
We are constantly in need of kitten and cat food to feed our animals , many of whom are offsite at fosterer’s homes. Feel free to come say hello at C.L.A.W.S to see some of the kittens and drop off food that we can distribute to our volunteers .
We are always in need of the following :
Mother and Baby wet and dry food.
Specialist Kitten food any variety .
Gastroinstestinal food wet and dry, kitten and adult .
Felix cat food.
other ways

We need individuals who can take our animals to be neutered , delivering them back to one of our fosterer’s . If you can help, please contact us and we can explain the process.

Promote C.L.A.W.S
Help us to become a charity of choice for your workplace giving schemes.

Sponsor a fundraiser
Become part of the C.L.A.W.S community by sponsoring an event to raise funds for us. We will discuss separately how we can help you.

Sponsor a kitty
Perhaps you love cats but its not the right time for you to actually have one at home. You can sponsor a kitten,. For € 25,00 Eur, you can name one of our new borns and provide enough cash to raise it to the point that it is ready to be adopted.

Leave a Legacy
Make a note of the charity name, address and registered charity number and include those details in your will.
Contact Name: Antonella Saliba
Charity name C.L.A.W.S Malta
Address 17,Triq is-Sikka , Baha IC Cahaq Nazzar , Northern Region, Malta
Charity Number . Registered Voluntary Organisation V/01473
Help Our Cause
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.