Some pets should be kept away from cats

This includes animals which cats may treat as natural prey for example rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats, gerbils and chinchillas, as well as reptiles. Also make sure that if you have a fish tank if is “cat proof” .
Introducing your cat/ kitten to your cat family

Adult cats tend to be much more welcoming to kittens or young cats than other adults.
It is best that your kittens be at least vaccinated before they are introduced to ensure that both animals keep safe.
In the first few days of introducing a kitten to a cat, get your existing cat used to the smell of their new companion for example swapping bedding between the two.
It is best to keep both cats apart to start with keeping your new cat in a room of his own to settle in with separate food water and a litter tray. Introduce them to the smell of each other via your hands once you have stroked each one a lot and for example swapped blankets.
You can use for example Fellway diffusers in each room to help both cats relax .
Once you do allow them into the same room you should expect a certain amount of staring, hissing and “ fluffing up” body language as they get used to each other. That is normal behavior and it will pass . Once you do put them in the same space together, make sure you are there to supervise, particularly if your new kitten is small and vulnerable.
Hopefully your pets will become great friends and soon start for example to groom each other.
If you’ve spent two weeks following the above advice but, despite your best efforts, you still end up with two feline personalities that simply don’t mix, ask yourself whether the new cat would be happier in a home elsewhere.
If your cat was provided by C.L.A.W.S then contact us and we will work with you to re-home your new cat/ kitten.
Introducing your new cat to your dog

The most important thing when introducing a new cat/ kitten to your puppy/dog is safety for both.
An over-excited puppy can easily harm a kitten and a frightened cat can do a lot of damage with its claws.
So take things slowly, concentrate on both pets’ needs so that they can become friends
The priority is to help both animals be relaxed in each other’s company for example ensuring your cat has a dog proof indoor pen and your dog is on a lead
Reward your dog for good behavior, make sure you stroke your cat , allow them to start investigating each other under supervision. Allow your cat to leave the pen once he is ready to and only let your dog off the lead once you are sure he won’t chase her.
Make sure your cat can escape using a ” high point”.
Feed the animals separately and keep the dog away from the litter tray as unfortunately your dog may otherwise try to eat the contents .
If your dog/cat remains persistently excitable or aggressive than you may need to consider re-homing one of them.
If your cat was adopted through C.L.A.W.S then we will re-home the animal , with your assistance.